Release Date
Jun 23, 2015
Played on
Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One
The game opens with Jim Gordon incinerating The Joker, you next see a cop go to a diner and witness Scarecrow's latest toxin being used on the customers. Scarecrow then tells that he will use a bigger amount on the entire city of Gotham. During the first part of the game Batman infected with the toxin at Ace Chemicals making him believe that the Joker is not dead. This heavily impacts the rest of the story. The game also has a lot of side missions to complete as well.
The game play differs a lot throughout the main campaign. You mostly fight thugs in groups or by stealth-fully taking each of them down without being seen. Other parts have the player using the gadgets you are given throughout the game. The Riddler has a lot of test chamber like puzzle rooms during his side mission. This is the first Arkham game that allows the player to drive the Batmobile.
I was amazed by the graphics at the start of the game especially since my PC usually cant handle heavy games like that. But as I got closer to the end of the game my PC would sometimes shut down completely. I adjusted the settings so it could run better. It helped a little bit but it soon was back to crashing.
The minimum Graphic for this game:
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 (2 GB Memory Minimum) | AMD Radeon HD 7870 (2 GB Memory Minimum)
At release the game costed 59.99$. Now you can get it for 19.99$. I was able to get Arkham: Asylum, Arkham: City, and Arkham: Knight for free from the Epic Games Store even though I don’t usually suport them. The game to me would have been worth the 60 dollars. The extra stories DLC are not really worth the price, but I'm lucky to have got them for free.
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